We are Utah's only all-volunteer, nonprofit provider of
radon awareness, advocacy, and community service programs.
The Utah Radon Coalition is an incorporated, 501(c)(3), nonprofit,
member organization.
Our goal is to save lives by eliminating exposure to radon gas.
Funding for our programs comes primarily from private and public donations and foundation grants.
Since we are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, donations to the URC are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Because We Know
This family living with high levels of radon in their home has a risk of getting lung cancer similar to their neighbor who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.
The problem is, they aren't aware of radon and won't have their home tested until it
might be too late.
The problem is, they aren't aware of radon and won't have their home tested until it
might be too late.
And We Know
Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. |
25% of all lung cancer in Utah is caused by exposure to radon |
8 out of 10 people in Utah are unaware of radon |
Only 12% of single-family homes in Utah have been tested for radon |
More than 1/3 of those tested had dangerous levels of radon |
Schools, daycare centers, hospitals, office buildings and others are not required to test for Radon |
We Also Know Utahns are Suffering From
Radon-Induced Lung Cancer
Radon-Induced Lung Cancer
" If we had known, we would have had our house tested and remediated immediately after we had it remodeled.
Had we done so, I wouldn't have contracted lung cancer and would have avoided the expense, pain, fear and even sorrow I've experienced since I did." |
" In 2007 I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Boy was I surprised, since I am a never smoker! I was even more surprised to learn my cancer was caused by exposure to radon in my home!
When diagnosed I was skeptical since I couldn’t see, hear, taste, smell or feel anything out of the ordinary in my house. Plus, we had tested for radon when we purchased the house and had low readings then. Nonetheless, I had it tested again and was shocked to find we had extremely high levels of radon. What I didn't know is remodeling a house like we did a few years before I was diagnosed, can cause an infusion of radon. If we had known, we would have had our house tested and remediated immediately after we had it remodeled. Had we done so, I wouldn't have contracted lung cancer and would have avoided the expense, pain, fear and even sorrow I've experienced since I did." |
Working with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Radon Program (UDEQ), with our radon awareness seminars and other training programs, we have educated thousands of Utahns, dozens of realtors, home builders and others, along with elected officials at the city, county and state levels about the dangers of radon. |
Working with the Utah Radon Policy Coalition, we convinced State legislators to pass two major pieces of legislation; one urging Utahns to test for radon, and the other requiring the state has a radon action plan. |
At the state level, we have obtained nearly $500,000 in State funding to date for state agencies to implement radon awareness activities and campaigns. |
Working with our members in the radon industry, we have provided thousands of free radon tests to the general public and free or low-cost radon mitigation to dozens of low-income Utahn families statewide. |
Our goal is to eliminate radon-induced lung cancer in Utah by increasing radon testing, radon mitigation and radon-resistant new construction, not only for homes but for every structure built and occupied in our state.
During the next three years (2025, 2026, and 2027) we expect to make considerable progress towards this goal by:
Extending our radon awareness seminars to the 7 counties in Utah with the highest potential for radon risk. |
Increasing the number of Utahns participating in radon awareness seminars by 50%. |
Convincing state, county and municipal governments to require facilities with high-capacity populations, such as schools and daycare centers, to test for and remediate high levels of radon. |
Convincing donors to contribute to our goal of developing and broadcasting electronic and social media radon awareness campaigns statewide. |
Increasing radon testing for low-income Utahns by 50%. |
Providing free or reduced cost mitigation for an additional 300 low-income households found to have high levels of radon in their homes. |